
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chakra , Chi and Human brain

well ..well...well...  there is a girl keep bugging me for new post in my blog.. so since she keep asking then i try my best.

do you ever met a person that when u saw them u felt calm and bright just by seeing this person without any reason??
do you ever felt some aura in a person that you can't explain it by word??
do you wanna know the reason???

i have been reading a lot and a lot of theories come out from it... but i just like one theory that really exciting.
do you ever feel something awesome and relieved after doing a good thing??? treat your hopeless friends or helping a person in needs maybe...
i'm going to be an engineer so lets get professional and scientific here. shall we?
our brain and body not just consist of merely organs, blog and etc, etc.. but also a lot of electrical charges with positive and negative ions. there all come out from the big brain of yours.

lets say our body is a machines and foods are the fuels that runs it.
the brain as a controller and the source of charges but what are the fuels that runs it????

ever thinking about it huh??
from scientific researched by by bla..bla.. bla.. boring stuff doctor... whenever human do a good deeds like helping people or even praying.. laughing and smiling happily... this cause a huge electric charges inside the freaking big brain of yours. but not just merely a charges but a positive charges.
but somehow when we do bad things or bad stuff what so ever like breaking someone hearts or killing some cats on the street and burn it you might produce a charges too but a negative one. of course with some adrenaline rush and other hormones as well.

so how about all the question i ask before...??? well... its related of course. im not some dumb who merely asking a question like that.
well you see...  chakra and chi is the usual word for a ninja or a chinese kung fu master said but its all the same as reported haha... well i dont know about ninjutsu in naruto anime but chi is definitely related to this kind of things. few people have tricks to increase their positive charges inside their body such as chinese kung fu master said... "be calm and cool my students" or in islamic perspective that also include by that bla..bla..bla.. scientists that when muslim praying and read the quran their positive charges increasing depends on the muslim concentration in what they do.

one more thing electric charges can increase or decrease depending on what we do.
thats explain why muslim being asked to pray 5 times a day. its logic dude...
so thats brain 101 for you all... hahaha


Norhayati Adnan said...

>>> The girl tuuuu, of coz me la 2 kn..hahhaha


Truly, xfhm sgt..heheh

k, sy mo wat challenge.. jom usha2 n don't forget, leave u comment"s".. sy tmbh "s" dh 2.. jd, kna komen suma..hahahah

UmiSara said...

of coz la awk...sapa g... awk xpaham konsep ke bahasa??? sedih kot klu ada orang xpaham... mksdnye makin byk kita wat baik makin byk cas positif dlm badan kita...

malasnye nak komen....

whateverLaLa said...

uitss... jln2 ar kat blog aku gak.. :)

Norhayati Adnan said...


dh fhm dh.. sja ja mo kasi susah2 ko g explen lebih..hihihi

yup, stuju sgt2..

cheer 4 u :) :)

P/s: klik link blog sy g.. uda sy reply ko pnya komen..hahhah

UmiSara said...

ye.. tau mnyusahkan yer... kentut kang.. so wait 4 my update soon..

Norhayati Adnan said...


syok bh.. sy kasi wat ko b'senam tgn sket.. taip lebih word.. sy b'jasa jg kasi kurus jari2 ko tuuu..hihihi~

P/s lg: tiap2 ari sy pnya blog ada update.. jan lupa p usha2.. dpt gak ko wat senaman kasi kurus ko pnya "butt" tuuuu.. hihihii

>> sy mmg b'jasa kasi kurus ko~hohoho

Norhayati Adnan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I hope, it's OK

UmiSara said...

sy nak gemukkan badan lar... sy da mmg kurus kot

Norhayati Adnan said...


sy nmpk tembam jak 2 pp ko..

xpn cam kurus..

~pa rahsia ko g tembam muka?? sy pn mo g tembam muka,, bru la org xknal sy tym msk blaja nanti..hahahah~

sharing is caring kan2..hihihi~

UmiSara said...

sy xreti gemuk2 dari dulu... bersyukur je la...

Norhayati Adnan said...


gud luck :)

law mo tips kasi kurus badan, sy ada petua..wee~

UmiSara said...

sy nak gemukkan badan...ada petua?

Norhayati Adnan said...

cam xda oo..

law ada, sy pn mo gemuk jg..wee~

UmiSara said...

....ceeh..dia ni

Norhayati Adnan said...


banyak kawan sy ckap sy sgt2 slim ~well, sy mmg tau sy comel cam tiang uda~

sedih2.. huhhuhu~

UmiSara said...

awk xyah sebut yg awk comel... xde org nak tau kat sini... ceeh...

Norhayati Adnan said...


law g2, sy nak gtau sy mmg sangattt2 comel cam arnab.. single lg..hahhaha

Sapa2 yg terbaca komen sy ne dan anda jg single plus comel, sila la b'kunjung ke blog sy..hahahhaha

jan ko marh2,, sharing is caring kn2..hohoho~

UmiSara said...

..... iklan ni kena bayar ok.. satu perkataan 10sen..

Norhayati Adnan said...

~kedekutnya incik superman nie~

nak tau satu secret sal lelaki??

" x encem tau law lelaki tuu kedekut"..hahahah

UmiSara said...

bayar ...xkira... da rm50 da jumlah nyer...

Norhayati Adnan said...


tuuu pn nk b'kira..

UmiSara said...

tau xper... i am a bad guy hahaha

Norhayati Adnan said...


UmiSara said...

da tau bayar ek...

Norhayati Adnan said...

tggu sy kaya ar.. skrg ne sy masi comel.. masi g xda duit tp sy tetap comel la.. hohoho~


UmiSara said...


Norhayati Adnan said...

jan lupa makan uphamol law kepala 2 pusing2 uda mo bca ayat sy..hehe~

Norhayati says>>

xbek buli budak comel cam sy..hihih~

UmiSara said...

..... xleh bla...

Norhayati Adnan said...

x comel erk??


UmiSara said...


Norhayati Adnan said...


UmiSara said...

hahaha..xtahan tgk komen2 dulu

Norhayati Adnan said...

hahaha.. rasa cam budak2 kan..hahha

Boredom Counts