one of my presentation included this...
i dont know what to say.. its just worse since no one interested at my presentation at all..
well im suppose to be good with public speaking but suddenly seeing them like that.. my mood going down.. my mouth become speechless.
i made a lot of jokes but seeing the only people who laugh is my teacher made me even worse.
the people that watch my presentation..they don't know me at all.. maybe that's the reasons.. but i used to talk to more unknown people than this. they seems happy and laugh..
maybe because its been a long time since the last time i do public speaking. my skills quite decreasing as well.. this is bad... what should i do to keep it increasing and got better.
x paham la..presentation ke mcm tu?? sy dh tgk video tu..huhu
bukan la.. itu video dlm presentation.. presentation dlm powerpoint lar..
owh..hehehe.. baru paham..
apalar dia ni..mana da blog..?sy ska baca blog awk.. mana da?
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