
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Does u know what HOOKER is? Well u can Google it but I have my own definition.  
                                         Hooker = player 
if u Google it. But for me hooker is like this… I give u the situation... she already have a boyfriend that she like… but when she meet a new guy she will say that she is unhappy with her boyfriend maybe planning on breakup.. she giving a lot of hope to that new guy… she keep flirting and teasing… but she will never say she wanna be that new guy’s girlfriends… she may said she will… or she like the new guy… she will flirt a lot but no such thing as a relationship at all…he using him as a backup in case being left by her boyfriends and also a tools for help.. She asking a lot from this new guy but never gives anything in return.    U knows guys... This girl HOOKS this guy forever.


               How to identify if she or he a hooker?

1. She/ he have someone the love/like a lot.

2. She/he asking a lot of help/stuff… u can feel like u being used a lot. Usually for Money, textbook, transportation and company/companion.

3. She/he said a lot about someone the like/love... She/he may say she hate this girl...Trying to compare with u... She /he may say she rather has u as the bf/gf… but in the end they still together…

4. But to identify this…u has to stop liking this girl and open your eyes… 
I give u hints how to stop liking a girl… but it’s not usually work but u can try it… look at the guy/girl’s picture at list all the bad stuff about him… 

for example…  list bad things about Suhaimi… well he got none… hahaha… Just kidding… 
try to tell your best friend about how bad this guy but of course its consider as sin... mengumpat for exact. 
But psychologically speaking u might open your eyes…
So that’s how is it…  
 usually a hooker don’t know other hooker so be careful guys.

Next… How to Beat Up a Hooker. Wait for next issues.


Aziema Monast said...

ahaaa.. like2 diz topic.. me paham dah "hooker" nie apa ^^, saia dah pena nmpk contohnya.. tp kat sorang dak lelaki nie aaa.. ^^,

UmiSara said...

awk ni...xbaca habes... ciri2 sy xcukup nak jadi hooker kot..

Aziema Monast said...

dah abes baca aaa.. la, saia kata awk nak jd hooker kew?? ke awk tulis nie sbb awk memg nak jadik gtu.. erkk.. jgn ye awk ye..

anglefish said... best je.. nk jd hooker laaa...keh3

UmiSara said...

hohoho..nak jadi hooker kena amik kursus ngan sy lu..hehehe... sy ajar lg terperinci... lg style..

Anonymous said...

Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it.

anglefish said...

wow.. kire superman melayu ni sah la the hooker kan.. xmo la cmtu..haha

UmiSara said...

sy cakap sy nak ajar..bukan sy hooker... sy tau je..bukan sy apply pon.. kejam la dia ni..

anglefish said...

uih!! garangnye..sorry... just kidding..jgn simpan dlm hati yer encik superman.. hihi (^^)v

UmiSara said...

dia ni.. sy xmarah la... ni versi superman nak keluar power je ni...

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