Wow… I am shocked…extremely shocked. I never knew that my blog being read by a lot of people but yeah with small response and comments. It’s ok… Sadly the best response comes out from the player story... its hot stuff... People like to read it... Well first of all... People always though it’s me the character in the story... but believe me... I am not a player... hahaha
Well I planning on writing another story about player… since it’s interesting and there are so much things thing that can be learn from it. Huh.
tau pon.. saye pon ingtkan superman melayu ni yg player..kih3~~
awk ape khabar?? lme x borak..ecece..
ohoo..angle the fish da datang... sy da bgtau byk kali sy bukan player..jahat siot... makan si ikan ni nnt..
ala2.. malu nk ngaku pulak..awk player kan?? kan?? hahahaha... jgn marah..
klu sy player da lama awk jadi bini ke 3 saya lar..apalar.. sekarang ni saya sedang mencari player untuk tnye dorang cite best... cite2 dorang bi best kot..
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